This year February 8 is the 65th occasion of the ‚Day of Honour‘, when the neofascist international movement will hold a multi-day festival in Budapest with concerts and a hike, in which they can merrily organize against all of us who don’t share their views.
Although the ‚break out‘ event they celebrate was forbidden by Hitler himself and was completely pointless from a military standpoint, leaving some twenty thousand widows and orphans as a result, they boast that the soldiers were defending Europe – even though by order they were having the last stand of the remnants of the nazi empire.
This is pure graverobbing and the falsification of history, but for them it’s an excellent opportunity to continue their fight where it ended seventy five years ago after unfathomable misery and sacrifice. Even though according to international, as well as Hungarian law, fascist merry marching is illegal, it’s still expected that they’ll be able to hold some sort of memory service and start their hike anyway.
We would like them NOT to do this uninterrupted, but for them to feel during their programs that Budapest is not a ’safe space‘ for neo-nazis. Therefore we will express our peaceful resistance with loud rhythms and chanting, in order to remind neo-nazis that they are not welcomed to celebrate their ideology openly, especially in the streets and hills of Budapest!
Please, join the an_ti_fa action on February 8 around 2 pm around the Buda castle / Szell Kálmán sq. area to raise your voice against the neo-nazis and show your solidarity and strong stand for peaceful and safe life without hateful ideologies and their adepts!
For more info watch this SPACE.